From the Prologue to my publication “Cheyenne Action Archeology”:
What Linda
Davis-Stephens gives me credit for I essentially learned from Sol Tax at the
University of Chicago, one of the great men of American anthropology, who was
my adviser and major professor there. One of the things that made him great was
his willingness all his life to learn from people of cultures different from
ours, and that he worked for using this knowledge for them and for all of us. I
passed this conviction and attitude he had named action anthropology on to
those students who listened with open minds and were not afraid to step away a
little from the trodden paths of what was applauded as the anthropology of the
day. Linda was one of these students.
This short text of hers is full of
insight, experience, and ideas, reflecting the very best of the original
anthropological tradition, now oftentimes lost in the computer clatter of
quantification and statistics. It is a straightforward and precise text that
tells whence she came, how she became, what she learned, what she is learning,
and what can be done with what is learned. The text is a journey to which
readers are invited to participate in. At the conclusion the reader will find
where he/she stands, and where he/she could be going.
The text
is correct in its descriptions of events, historical and recent, and clean in
its scientific underpinnings. It is also sensitive and poetic, always truthful.
It shows an anthropology that is thoroughly alive.
Karl H. Schlesier, Professor Emeritus
Corrales, New Mexico
Find link to full content of “Cheyenne Action Archeology”
as .doc
under the Heading:
El Cuartelejo Webliography and Sources
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